お電話でのお問合せ TEL:0120-105-891


IR資料 有価証券報告書の和訳



原文 訳文
これに伴い営業部門から管理部門まで全社的に大幅な増員を行い、今後の急速な業容拡大に向けた組織体制強化に取り組みました。結果、当第1四半期連結累計期間における当社グループの売上高は651,196千円(前年同期比22.1%増)、営業利益は44,969千円(同20.3%増)、経常利益は46,241千円(同23.0%増)、親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益は In line with this, we increased the number of employees across the company, from sales to administration, and worked to strengthen our organizational structure in order to achieve rapid business expansion in the future. As a result, for the first quarter of the current consolidated cumulative period, we had net sales of ¥651,196,000 (up 22.1% year on year), operating income of ¥44,969,000 (up 20.3%), ordinary income of ¥46,241,000 (up 23.0%), and net income attributable to owners of parent
当第1四半期連結会計期間末における流動資産は1,489,653千円となり、前連結会計年度末に比べ114,516千円増加いたしました。これは主に現金及び預金が25,398千円増加、仕掛品が30,280千円増加、未収入金が63,592千円増加したことによるものであります。 Current assets at the end of the first quarter under review were \1,489,653,000, an increase of \114,516,000 compared to the end of the previous fiscal year. This was mainly due to an increase of 25,398,000 yen in cash and deposits, an increase of 30,280,000 yen in work in process, and an increase of 63,592,000 yen in accounts receivable.
(注)1.セグメント利益の調整額△29,164千円には、セグメント間取引消去、報告セグメントに帰属しないのれんの 償却額、及び全社費用が含まれております。全社費用は、主に報告セグメントに帰属しない親会社本社の管理部門に係る費用等であります。 (NOTE)1. Adjustment of segment income △29,164,000 yen includes elimination of inter-segment transactions, amortization of goodwill not attributable to any reportable segment, and corporate costs. Company-wide costs mainly consist of expenses related to the control departments of the parent company that are not attributable to reportable segments.
当監査法人が実施した四半期レビューにおいて、上記の四半期連結財務諸表が、我が国において一般に公正妥当と認められる四半期連結財務諸表の作成基準に準拠して、株式会社ロゼッタ及び連結子会社の平成30年5月31日現在の財政状態及び同日をもって終了する第1四半期連結累計期間の経営成績を適正に表示していないと信じさせる事項がすべての重要な点において認められなかった。 In our review of the quarterly consolidated financial statements, we have not found in all material respects the financial position of Rosetta Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries as of May 31, 2018, and the matters that we believe do not properly present the results of their operations for the three months ended June 30, 2016, in conformity with the standards for preparation of the quarterly consolidated financial statements generally accepted in Japan.
税金費用については、当第1四半期連結会計期間を含む連結会計年度の税引前当期純利益に対する税効果会計適用後の実効税率を合理的に見積り、税引前四半期純利益に当該見積実効税率を乗じて計算しております。 Tax costs are calculated by reasonably estimation the effective tax rate after applying tax effect accounting to benefit before income taxes for the fiscal year including the first quarter under review, and multiplying income before income taxes by the estimated effective tax rate.



